Cortana Review

Hope by this time millions of Personal Computers are upgraded to the brand new Windows 10 operating system and everyone experienced bite of Cortana service which is newly introduced in Windows 10.
Cortana day by day gaining it's importance as PC users don't have any better alternatives and as Cortana started learning each and everything about user's every actions, which includes what they search, their interests, their movie bookings, reservations etc.
Suppose you wanted to go to movie and booked ticket online then as soon as confirmation mail comes to your PC's Mail application, Cortana grabs every information about mail and it schedules time and date of movie show and how far is theatre from your default location. It starts giving awareness about movie show four hours prior to movie show and also reminds you regarding estimated time to  reach movie theatre considering traffic conditions also.
Cortana also grab birthdays and events from default Calendar app and gives reminder about the event in notification.
Users can also set reminders using Cortana and users can insist what are their interstate and based on that Cortana provides news feed to users.
Cortana does all these things just like Google now but lack  Google 's google now app for PC and bing search is completely integrated in Windows 10's every bits Cortana gaining more and more popularity.
Even though Cortana is having so many advantages there still some hiccups which are needed attention. Still its voice recognition tool is in beta mode only.... it sometimes recognises very poorly, some times Cortana is bit slow and with many software bugs.


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